Author Headshot

Renée Lemens


Agents in Minnesota have had a particularly busy AEP this year with over 300,000 Medicare Cost plan members in that state losing their coverage at the end of this month. In other areas of the county, smaller pockets of Medicare beneficiaries are also losing coverage as some Medicare Advantage and Cost plans are not renewing for 2019. The AEP’s short window is just not enough time to accommodate everyone who has to find new coverage, and it doesn’t have to as CMS has designated a Special Election Period for those losing their plans.

Starting on December 8th, people who are losing their Medicare Advantage or Medicare Cost plans due to non-renewal in 2019 who have not already chosen new coverage can elect new MA plans, or can choose PDP plans and go back to Original Medicare. This SEP opportunity runs through the end of February, but keep in mind that the new coverage will go into effect on the 1st of the month following the plan’s receipt of the application, so those who want coverage effective January 1st to replace their non-renewing plans will need to apply during December.

JSA Marketing is here to help you understand all of the enrollment opportunities beyond the AEP, so please give us a call at 1-800-203-0433 with any questions.


Author Headshot

Renée Lemens
