Category: General

Where are all those ACA commissions going?

  The outlook has been bleak for ACA producers as more and more insurance carriers announce drastic cuts (or even eliminations) to their commissions. It’s a hard pill to swallow, especially with all the time and energy it takes for each ACA appointment from prospecting to binder-payment and all the training. While each carrier seems […]

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Thoughts on Thanksgiving

“In a few years, I’m going to be obsolete.” That statement was made to me recently by a dear friend and a long-time insurance agent who was quite put out that a client had enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan directly over the internet. “My clients can look at plans on Medicare’s website, and can […]

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Final Expense: Broaching the Subject – Life Beyond Medicare

Recently an agent approached me to express interest in working with Final Expense. The question that follows is one that I am all too familiar with – “How do I broach the subject of end of life planning?” Rule of thumb: no death jokes. Just don’t do it. Offering Final Expense to your existing clients […]

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24 Questions to Help You Choose an NMA/FMO

As an independent agent, choosing a National Marketing Association/Field Marketing Organization to partner with can be a very difficult decision. Furthermore, how do you know you’ve paired up with an agency that’s as dedicated to your success as you are? Here are 24 questions to ask when choosing a Medicare Marketing Agency, NMA or FMO:

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